So the time has come and I have finally finished my first year of uni.. which means I am home and back to normality for just over 3 months. Blogging has always been something that I've been interested in and over many years I've created a handful of blogs which I haven't stuck to or posted regularly on. This is why I am setting myself a goal for the summer.. Katie don't just sit around watching endless episodes of Gossip Girl on Netflix, get blogging!

We all have that one major problem when creating a blog... coming up with a blog name. Something that sounds so simple turns out to be one massive headache trying to avoid the cliche, the cringe and the unoriginal... and when you finally come up with a name SOMEBODY ELSE ALREADY HAS IT. Sadly, when your brain shrivels up and you can't think of a replacement you result to adding extra letters or numbers which is why my blog unfortunately has two k's unnecessarily added to the end *sigh*.

Not only is this a problem, but trying to design a layout that looks just slightly professional is proving difficult.. this is a tad embarrassing as I did ICT at A Levels *double sigh*. So bear with me as I get my blog up and running whilst experimenting with different layouts and designs. Do expect to see posts on beauty, fashion and lifestyle (by lifestyle I mean posts about how much I love the Kardashians).

With love xo

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